When working with Linux using CLI (command line interface), you are interacting with a program called a shell. All you type is passed to the shell, which interprets what you have typed, does parameters expansion (which is somewhat similar to brace expansion in algebra) and executes programs for you. Shell which we will be using is calledBash, which stands for Bourne Again Shell, which is in turn a pun. Now I will show you general overview of how the bash works in plain English:
This article describes how to build a surveillance cam based on a Raspberry Pi micro-computer which records HD video when something moves in the monitored area. Live picture can be viewed from any web browser, even from your mobile while you're on the road.
What you will get:
- See live stream in any web browser from anywhere
- Record any motion into video file
Hardware components
We need some hardware for this project. This is a list of the major things we need:
- Raspberry Pi 2 Model B: (Link : http://hshop.vn/products/moy-tonh-raspberry-pi-2-model-b-1gb-made-in-prc)
- Raspberry Pi Camera Module (Link : http://hshop.vn/products/camera-hong-ngoai-raspberry-pi-noir)